23 Kasım 2017 Perşembe

FV 2 Country Escape Snowball Fight! 11/22/2017 ( Country Escape Official Guides )

Winter is here! What better way to usher in the holiday season than a snowball fight! Pick a team and join the denizens of the town as they partake in some lighthearted fun!

If you are at least Level 12, you will see a pop-up inviting you to the Snowball Fight. You will need to force close the game, or even reboot your device to see the update.

Start off the event by tapping on the Snowball Castle. You will see several piles and buckets filled with snow here, getting you in the mood for a good snowball fight!
The Snowball Fight event starts on November 22, 2017 up until December 3, 2017, giving you 13 days to earn as much Snow Points as you can. Win Gold in either stage to earn the farm hand Daze Ablaze, which will stay at your farm permanently!

In each phase, you will need to craft Snowball Fight items for a chance to win Mystery Gifts to unlock the different event decorations.
Temporary Place of Interest: Snow Castle
The Snow Castle is a small park-like area where people are prepping for the snowball fight. This is a temporary area that will drop the different items needed in each item.

New Items and where to get them:
• Nutmeg - Snow Castle, Grandma's Glade, Pond, Cove, and Prized Goat
• Egg Nog - Pastry Oven
• Nutmeg Butter - Pastry Oven
• Eggnog Cake - Pastry Oven
• Raisins - Snow Castle, Grandma's Glade, Pond, Cove, and Prized Goat
• Raisin Cookies - Pastry Oven
• Raisin Gatellete – Stovetop
• Pear Bun - Dinner Oven
• Snowball - Snow Castle, Grandma's Glade, Pond, Cove, and Prized Goat
• Woolly Jumper - Craft WOrkstation
• Snowman head - Craft WOrkstation
• Strawberry Snow Cone - Dairy
• Snow Catapult - Craft Workstation
• Snow Globe – Loom
Golden and Silver Snowflake Boost
These boosts give you a much higher chance of earning rare Event items from the Snow Castle, Grandma's Glade, Pond, Pier, Mill and Prized Animals once it's activated. It will appear for free sometimes. If you have push notifications enabled, you will receive a push notification when the boost is free. It can also drop from opening Picnic boxes on occasion.
Temporary Farm Hands: Slopey Joe and Olivia Reeding
You have the option to purchase the ski instructor Slopey Joe, and/or agricultural student Olivia Reeding as Farm Hands to help you out during the Snowball Fight event. They will give you a higher chance of finding rare event items and more! Please be aware that they are temporary, and will leave your farm when the event ends.

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